All-new GS-BNB Liquidity Mining Program is Live !

Genesis Shards
3 min readJan 10, 2022

We are excited to launch our very first liquidity mining (LM) program for GS-BNB ! This allows users to add liquidity on Pancakeswap, while also providing Access Club 2.0 benefits similar to the regular GS Access Pool, with an attractive annual return.


  • Link to Liq Mining portal —
  • GS Liquidity Mining Program — AllianceBlock x GS
  • Earn extra rewards on top of Pancakeswap rewards !
  • Initial annual return (APR) —3000% + *
  • 90 days duration | Dual Rewards in $GSK (GS Karma) & GS tokens
  • Also get Access Club benefits

Starting today, users who add liquidity to the GS/BNB trading pair on Pancakeswap via the GS DeFi platform (powered by AllianceBlockTwitter | TG ) will be incentivized with an initial annual return of 3000%+ in GS Karma and GS tokens (*calculated against 10,000$ liquidity)

In addition to the GSK rewards, the tokens staked will also enable you to get Access Club membership, similar to the GS Access Pools. Your GS count will equal 2 times the GS tokens you stake in the pool.

Steps to participate

  1. First connect your wallet on the GS Defi dashboard here. Select Binance from the dropdown.

2. Next you need to get your LP tokens. Simply click on the + symbol, which opens the following window within the dashboard. To participate in the pool you need to have Wrapped BNB (WBNB) in your wallet. You can obtain this from exchanges, or on Pancakeswap, or even convert directly in Metamask.

3. You choose how much GS / WBNB you want to add — you complete one field and the other is calculated for you. Then you click to approve the WBNB. You need to ensure you have sufficient amount in your wallet. Confirm and sign the transaction in Metamask.

4. Once this process is complete, you now have your LP tokens. You can now choose how many you wish to stake (or just choose MAX). Approve and stake.

5. Congratulations! Your tokens are now staked and you are earning rewards. Welcome to liquidity mining!

Disclaimer: Any APR is subject to change based on the number of liquidity providers staking their LP tokens, as well as the market volatility. This is the initial absolute APR rate based on this exact time’s conditions, without any guarantee and are non-binding, they are listed solely for information purposes. Please note providing liquidity to Pancakeswap comes with some risk. We advise all of you to be aware of this by understanding returns.

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About AllianceBlock

AllianceBlock is bridging the gap between decentralized finance (DeFi) and traditional finance (TradFi), by remedying issues that exist in both spheres and linking them more closely together. They see the future of finance as an integrated system in which the best of both worlds can work together to increase capital flows and technological innovation.

Building this future by bridging traditional finance with compliant, data-driven access to new decentralized markets, DeFi projects and ecosystem-scaling tools such as funding and interoperability. As such, they are building a next-generation financial infrastructure that aims to provide regulated financial entities around the world with the tools they need to seamlessly access the DeFi space.

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About Genesis Shards

Genesis Shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot redefining NFTs as DeFi options, creating a permissionless environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens. By wrapping time-locked fungible tokens into NFTs, Genesis Shards is creating a new marketplace for previously illiquid tokens

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Genesis Shards

Transforming NFTs into a liquidity vehicle for Pre-IDO tokens and a whole new suite of DeFi products across multiple blockchains.