GS join hands with the next generation Web3 SocioFi Investment Platform-KALA Network

Genesis Shards
3 min readFeb 22, 2022


Genesis Shards is happy to announce its partnership with KALA Network. KALA Network is a Next-Gen Web3 SocialFi Investment Platform where members meet, socialise, and share information, financial knowledge, investment activities, learn and earn from their daily contribution or trading activity.

KALA Network’s main aim is to create a decentralized playground for all parties (from individual investor, trading experts, blockchain influencer or even fundraisers for their projects to Ventures Capital organisations) to participate in every area of investment and owning their performance such as crowdfunding, voting and rewarding, NFTs trade etc.

KALA Network combines 5 subsystems: First is the social trading which includes copy trading, mirror trading from top traders ranked by our own unique algorithm.Second subsystem is the socialfi network which includes a grand social trading network i.e post, comment, share, interact with the community to earn even more rewards.Third subsystem is defi services that includes gain full access to the services and benefits of a decentralized platform.Then there is the investment platform which includes invest in new promising projects, high potential products from the community to help them grow and earn even more. And there is the derivatives exchange i.e As KALA expands, it will grow into a complete trading platform using the liquidity from other exchanges/partners. KLNW token’s goal is to be considered as a hard-to-refuse investment opportunity. Holding KLNW token(s) means having the chance to invest alongside crypto experts & smart investors in the KALA Network Ecosystem.

Through this partnership :

👉KALA Network will allow GS community participants to gain rewards from NFT content contribution & consumption and give them the ability to own the Intellectual Property of those creations, verified on Blockchain.

👉KALA Network has a wide network where all the GenShards community members can meet, socialise, and share information, financial knowledge, investment activities, learn and earn from their daily contribution or trading activity.

👉KALA Network and Genesis Shards will mutually support each other’s ecosystem i.e KALA Network will gain access to the Genesis Shards ecosystem and mentor network and Genesis Shards partners will be able to gain access to KALA Network.

More than 60 high-quality access, ecosystem & network partners have already placed their trust in GS and the network continues to grow ! Keep an eye out for this space for many more preIDO launches, partnerships and feature updates in the pipeline.

“Genesis Shards is glad to welcome KALA Network. KALA Network is a SocialFi investment platform where users can invest in promising new projects. This partnership will help GenShards community members to meet, socialise, and share information, financial knowledge, investment activities, learn and earn from their daily contribution or trading activity.We are happy to induct KALA Network as our ecosystem partner.” — Nilotpal Mukherjee, Genesis Shards Co-founder

“We are excited to announce our partnership with Genesis Shards.GenesisGenesis Shards is a whole new marketplace for pre-IDO tokens on NFTs with a huge community and network. This partnership is really important for us as GS will help us grow in many fields“ -Picard Truong , KALA Network CEO

About KALA Network

KALA Network is the Next Generation Web3 SocialFi Investment Platform, By Community For Community.KALA Network rewards Protocol for SocialFi Network Contribution & Engagement with NFTized Premium Content.KALA Network aims to form a community of unfragmented, concentrate on crypto investment including but not limited to copy trading, assets management, sharing knowledge, and insights.

KALA allows its participants to gain rewards from NFT content contribution & consumption and give them the ability to own the Intellectual Property of those creations, verified on Blockchain.

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About Genesis Shards

Genesis Shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot redefining NFTs as DeFi options, creating a permissionless environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens. By wrapping time-locked fungible tokens into NFTs, Genesis Shards is creating a new marketplace for previously illiquid tokens

The next major steps in Genesis’s journey will be announced soon ! Keep an eye on this space for updates.

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Genesis Shards

Transforming NFTs into a liquidity vehicle for Pre-IDO tokens and a whole new suite of DeFi products across multiple blockchains.