The Future of Decentralized Learning — Studyum lands on Genpad

Studyum Whitelist begins today!

Genesis Shards
3 min readDec 10, 2021

We’re excited to begin the whitelist process for the next NFTO (NFT Offering) on Genpad 🥳

STUDYUM— The future of decentralised learning

📌 Whitelist Process — Summary & Form Link

Whitelist process is now live for both Access Club members and Open Community. Process will end at 1:00pm UTC on Monday, 13 December 2021.

For Access Clubs : -

For Open Community :-

Two types of Whitelists :-

Note that allocation will be through 2 two types of whitelists — guaranteed & FCFS.

📌 Guaranteed — you will get a 2-hour window once the sale starts (time to be notified by team), with a guaranteed allocation (Some access club allocations and all open community whitelists are guaranteed)
📌 FCFS — you will be able to take part in the sale after this 2-hour window, on an FCFS basis.

📍 IMPORTANT NOTE — GS Token snapshots requirement (For Access Club members)

2 separate token snapshots will be taken at any point till the NFTO . You need to have sufficient number of tokens to be part of a Gen Access Club, during both snapshots.

📌 Introducing STUDYUM

Studyum is the next-generation learning experience platform, combining artificial intelligence, facial recognition, 3D volumetric avatars, with NFTfi trading, all on the blockchain

📌 Key Token Metrics for STUDYUM

📌 Social Channels for STUDYUM

✅ Website —

✅ Official Telegram Chat —

✅ Official Telegram Announcements —

✅ Official Twitter —

✅ Official Medium —

Stay tuned for further updates on the STUDYUM cNFTO ! Follow the official Genesis Shards social channels -

Telegram Announcement | Telegram chat | Twitter | Website

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About Genesis Shards

Genesis Shards is a decentralized ecosystem powered by Polkadot redefining NFTs as DeFi options, creating a permission-less environment of interchain liquidity for pre-IDO tokens. By wrapping time-locked fungible tokens into NFTs, Genesis Shards is creating a new marketplace for previously illiquid tokens.



Genesis Shards

Transforming NFTs into a liquidity vehicle for Pre-IDO tokens and a whole new suite of DeFi products across multiple blockchains.