Welcome to the GenShards Community Fest ! 🥳
Memes, quizzes, and some cool rewards — hop in and take part today !
Hola GenShards Community !
We welcome you to the GS Community Fest — time for all Genvengers to join in, have some fun and win cool rewards along the way 🥳
Over the next few weeks, here’s what’s coming up -
- GS Meme Contest 🐶 (STARTS TODAY — see below)
- NFT Design Contest 🃏
- Content King Contest 👑
- Gleam Quiz Contest 🧩, & more…
And here are the rewards lined up for winners -
- $10k in USDT
- Guaranteed allocations in upcoming GS NFTOs
- Some more surprises ;)
The first contest begins today - gear up for the GS Meme Contest 🐶
Show off your meme skills — create & share GS memes 🐦 — stand a chance to win rewards ! 💰
Duration of the contest
- The meme contest begins 29Oct21 (Friday)
- It will end on 7Nov21 (Sunday)
For all you memelords…here’s what you need to do :
1 — Create the best meme(s) you can related to Genesis Shards 🖼 (in the following categories —
GenShards | NFT Offerings (NFTO) | GenTickets | Gaming & Metaverse NFTOs
2 — Give them a nice catchy name and post on Twitter and/or Telegram 🗣
3 — Make sure to use the hashtag #GenShardsMemes 💎
4 — Fill in the tweet/TG links on this form
Rewards 💰 — There’s a prize pool of 2k USDT for the top 5 winners (to be decided by social outreach — likes/comments/engagement + meme quality). There’s also one guaranteed NFTO slot for the first position.
Other contests will follow soon in the coming days/weeks…
Let the fun begin ! 🎉
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To stay updated on upcoming NFTOs and other GS updates, follow the official Genesis Shards social channels ✨ -